وكالة قاسيون للأنباء
  • الاثنين, 14 أكتوبر - 2024

The Syrian Network accuses SDF of kidnapping and recruiting 19 children in a month and a half

The Syrian Network for Human Rights accused the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) of kidnapping and recruiting 19 children since the beginning of last November.
The network said in a report issued yesterday, Thursday, SDF is still recruiting at least 156 children out of 537 cases of child recruitment since its establishment.
It added that it had documented at least 537 cases of child recruitment by the Syrian Democratic Forces in Syria from January 2014 to December 15, 2021.
The report indicated that the Syrian Democratic Forces established training camps for child soldiers in areas far from their original areas of residence, and prevented children from communicating with their families.
It said that "SDF" threatens many families of kidnapped children in the event of announcing the recruitment of children to UN or human rights organizations, as well as preventing parents from visiting their children, subjecting them to verbal humiliation and expulsion.
And it considered that this aims to isolate the children from the outside world until the end of their training period, which includes indoctrination of the beliefs and ideology of the Kurdistan Workers Party, to which the Democratic Union Party is affiliated, according to the report.
It is noteworthy that the network indicated a significant increase in the recruitment of children in November 2021, and recorded the largest recruitment campaign for children by "SDF" since the beginning of 2021.