وكالة قاسيون للأنباء
  • الثلاثاء, 15 أكتوبر - 2024

Al-Assad issues decrees according to which he raises the salaries of workers, military personnel and retirees in his regime

On Wednesday, the President of the Syrian regime issued three legislative decrees to increase the salaries of state workers, military personnel and pensioners.

The first decree included a 30% increase in salaries and wages for all civil and military workers in the state.

This increase also applies to famous people, daily workers, and temporary ones, whether they are agents, occasional, seasonal, contractors, employment contracts, or appointed with drop schedules or under administrative instruments, as well as workers on a part-time basis or on the basis of production or fixed and transferable wages.

The second decree also stipulated raising the general minimum wage and the minimum wage for professions for workers in the private, cooperative and joint sectors that aren’t covered by the provisions of the Basic Law for state workers to become /92,970/ per month.

Al-Assad’s decrees stipulated an increase for military and civilian pension holders of 25% of the pension, and the aforementioned increase would benefit those who are entitled to pension holders and be distributed to them according to the shares specified in the laws and regulations they are subject to.