وكالة قاسيون للأنباء
  • الثلاثاء, 15 أكتوبر - 2024

Stray dogs kill a child in the town of Al-Maliha in Damascus countryside

News sources affiliated with the Syrian regime reported that a 3-year-old child died in Rif Dimashq, as a result of wounds caused by a stray dog attack on him.

The regime's "Tishreen" newspaper quoted the father of the displaced child with his family from Deir Ezzor governorate (east of the country) as saying that his son "was playing during the day in the public road near the farm he guards and they live in. My son," he adds, "I ran out to see him lying on the ground bleeding from his head, neck and hand."

The newspaper quoted the director of Jaramana sub-district affiliated to the regime’s interior, that the district received a report from a hospital in Jaramana stating that the child had died after his father, who works as a “guardian” in one of the Maliha farms, helped him, and that the child had died due to an attack by stray dogs.

 Forensic doctor Osama Abu al-Khair said that the examination of the body showed "the presence of severe bites in the neck area, which led to the child's suffocation and erosion of a piece of his scalp, and traces of various wounds all over his body as a result of dogs attacking him."

Russia Today