وكالة قاسيون للأنباء
  • الثلاثاء, 15 أكتوبر - 2024

The Syrian ports are completely closed to navigation and fishing

The General Directorate of Ports of the regime's government announced the complete closure of the sea ports (navigation and fishing) in the coastal area.

According to pro-"Al-Watan" newspaper, quoting the directorate as saying: Due to the prevailing weather conditions of high wind speed and poor visibility, it was decided to close the seaports (navigation and fishing) from today, Wednesday, until further notice.

The newspaper quoted the Director General of Ports in Syria, Brigadier Samer Kobrly, that no damages were recorded as a result of the storm, which began at dawn today, Wednesday, indicating that all precautionary measures were taken in advance.

He added that all ports were closed for navigation and fishing naturally due to the intensification of wind speed, the decrease in visibility significantly, and the high waves, without any damages recorded so far (the hour of preparation of the news) in the Syrian ports.