وكالة قاسيون للأنباء
  • الثلاثاء, 15 أكتوبر - 2024

Hazano local council in Idlib retracts the decision to deport the displaced camp and apologizes

Local sources reported that the local council in the town of Hazano in the northern countryside of Idlib announced its withdrawal from the decision to remove a camp for the displaced outside the area, and also apologized to the Syrians for their haste in taking that decision.

In a statement on Tuesday, the council said that the decision to relocate a camp for the displaced from the town was issued "in a hurry and as a quick and urgent solution, to prevent the injury’s family from attacking the camp's residents because the incident was hot."

It indicated, according to the opposition Nidaa Post website, that his decision was aimed at "calming the souls of the families of the injured who was shot during the quarrel, explaining that the decision was not intended to generalize to all the displaced, but only the family who shot."

It also pointed out that he will follow up the incident legally through the judiciary, "until rights are restored and the perpetrators are held accountable."

The council apologized to the Syrian people for the "unsuccessful statement", stressing that the town's door "will remain open for the revolutionaries and for the honorable guests until their dignified return to their homes is secured."

It should be noted that the town of Hazano witnessed a quarrel between the townspeople and the residents of one of the camps, which developed into a shooting that resulted in the injury of the head of the local council to occur in the future.