وكالة قاسيون للأنباء
  • الثلاثاء, 15 أكتوبر - 2024

Unidentified aircraft launch raids on an Iranian base in eastern Syria

Informed news sources said that "unidentified" warplanes bombed a base run by Iranian militias in Deir Ezzor governorate in eastern Syria near the Iraqi border, where Tehran expanded its military presence last year.

And Reuters news agency, quoting civil sources, said that the strikes took place south of the town of Al-Mayadin on the Euphrates River, which has become "a large base for a number of armed Shiite factions, most of them from Iraq, since the expulsion of ISIS fighters nearly four years ago."

The agency quoted two residents of the area as saying that Iranian militia fighters, who were roaming the streets, were put on high alert, and that ambulances were seen speeding towards the desert outskirts of the city after hearing several explosions.

One of them, Ahmed al-Shawi, told Reuters in a text message: "Frantic elements of the Iranian militias are asking pedestrians and car owners to evacuate the city center."

This comes, according to what was reported by the Syrian opposition TV, amid silence about the attacks by the regime's media, which had previously denied the spread of thousands of Iranian militia fighters in large parts of the country.

The areas under the control of Iranian militias are periodically subjected to Israeli and other international coalition air strikes, focused on the border area, Albu-kamal area, and the Green Belt area, all the way to the town of Subikhan, which is one of the main strongholds of these militias.