وكالة قاسيون للأنباء
  • الثلاثاء, 15 أكتوبر - 2024

Lebanese Hezbollah loses a group of its members in an ambush in Hama countryside

Informed local sources reported that the Lebanese Hezbollah militia lost a group of its members, dead and wounded, after they fell into an ambush carried out by unknown persons in the eastern countryside of Hama.

In the details, a military convoy of the Iranian-backed Lebanese Hezbollah militia was ambushed on "Uqayribat - Qastal" road, and Ain Al-Furat network reported that the military convoy included 6 military vehicles equipped with heavy machine guns and 35 members of the Lebanese Hezbollah militia, accompanied by empty trucks specified for transporting oil, which was destined for loading from Jazel fields in the eastern desert of Homs.

It added, according to the Orient Net website, that the attackers targeted the convoy with RPGs and medium and heavy machine guns, killing 3 members and wounding others, in addition to damaging 5 oil trucks on Al-Qastal road, east of Hama.