وكالة قاسيون للأنباء
  • الثلاثاء, 15 أكتوبر - 2024

The regime continues to conduct settlement agreements in Daraa Governorate

 Local sources reported that the regime forces continue to implement the settlement agreement in Al-Yarmouk Basin area in the western countryside of Daraa, by making settlements and handing over light weapons in the villages of (Al-Shajara, Beit Ira, Al-Qusayr, Nafea, Jamla, Koya, Al-Qusayr and Abdeen).

On Tuesday, They added that hundreds of people made a settlement with the regime in the two settlement centers it opened in the two towns of Shagara and Tsil, in addition to receiving 14.5 weapons, light weapons, launchers, converted shoulder-fired missiles, and 122 and 10p shells."

They explained that "Ghaith Forces" of the Fourth Division (affiliated with Iran and the Lebanese Hezbollah) were deployed yesterday in the western countryside of Daraa at the Syrian-Jordanian border, where they are scheduled to withdraw next Wednesday, so that forces affiliated with the Fifth Division, the Military Security Branch and forces affiliated with the Eighth Brigade affiliated to For the Fifth Corps, supported by Russia in the region.

On Tuesday, the regime forces, accompanied by members of the Russian police, entered the town of Tsil in the western countryside of Daraa,

It also spread in several villages in the Yarmouk Basin area, and installed military posts; In implementation of a settlement agreement concluded by the security committee with the notables of the towns.

"Ahrar Horan Gathering" website said that the regime forces established a temporary settlement center in "Municipal Council" building, and began conducting the settlement process for a number of the town's youth, following an agreement reached by the security committee with the town's notables.

A local source told Syria TV that more than 1,500 members of the regime forces entered the city of Dael, accompanied by four-wheel drive vehicles belonging to the Russian military police.

He added that the regime deployed its elements at a number of checkpoints inside the city, and also opened a "settlement center", noting that dozens of the city's youth, who were dissidents and who had failed the "compulsory service", began the "settlement" procedures and handed over their individual weapons.